Politics Sully 97 views

Divisive Rhetoric

This week, the Supreme Court ruled on the issue of gay marriage.  In one ruling, the Court held that the federal government may not withhold benefits pursuant to the Defense of Marriage Act from same-sex couples.  In a different decision, the Court held that private parties do not have standing to defend California’s voter-approved ballot measure barring gay and lesbian couples from state-sanctioned wedlock.  The ruling cleared the way for the resumption of gay marriage.

The Court’s decisions were major topics on the Sunday shows.  The conservative, evangelical homophobic contingent was armed with arguments brimming with hyperbole and misinformation.  For example, Tony Perkins appeared on This Week.  Perkins is the leader of some Southern-based GOP Christian coalition or network.  Perk was NOT happy about the decision.  He argued that the “activist” Court’s ruling promoted lawlessness because it gave a tacit blessing to the governor of CA’s decision not to enforce the law, which banned same-sex marriages.  T went on to argue that the decision would prove terrible for the Republic because [and I’m paraphrasing] ‘Florists and bakers would have to serve the wedding of a gay couple, despite the florist or baker’s abject disapproval of the union.’  Also, children in school ‘will no longer be taught the truth- that marriage is between a man and a woman.’

Hey, Perk!  Wake the f- up.  It is 2013, not 1933.  Homosexuals are not coming to rip the moral fiber of our society.  They simply want the same benefits as you, regardless of whom they marry.  May I suggest that you stop concerning yourself with whom marries whom and devote your time to more relevant issues- like refuting global warming or bashing immigrants?

The arguments against recognition of gay marriage are eerily similar to the arguments during the Civil Rights movement nearly 5 decades ago.  I imagine then, T Perk was claiming, ‘White bakers and florists should have the right not to service a wedding, which includes black people’ or ‘The true definition of marriage is the union of one white man and one white woman.’

The world, and the attitudes of the citizens of this nation, continues to change.  That fact is scary and uncomfortable for Tony Perkins and the other fear-mongering bigots with whom he associates.  Run and hide, Perk, before the gay folks arrive and brainwash you, your children, and this country.