Politics Sully 97 views

Those who live in glass houses . . . .

Dear President Obama:

Before you lob even one missile [which costs millions of dollars to produce] into Syria, may I respectfully request that you ponder these questions?:

-What’s the point?
What will a missile strike actually accomplish, besides the emboldening of Iran, Hezbollah, and other avowed enemies of the Homeland?

OK, I’ll play along.  We strategically bomb Syria.  Then what?  Is it realistic to think that a few surgical strikes will topple Assad?  Even if it did, are you confident that the rebels, who are “friendly” to the U.S., and not the al Qaeda-linked jihadists, will wrestle control of the war-torn nation?

-Have you walked around Camden, New Jersey?
Dude, that town looks like you ALREADY blasted it with a few Tomahawks.  Wouldn’t a few mill be much better spent on addressing the many problems that this nation faces?

I do not aspire to Ron and Rand Paul’s international diplomacy theory – shut down our embassies and bring everyone home.  However, while protecting innocent civilians from their sinister leaders in other lands is truly noble, the United States no longer has the resources [or the backing of our allies] to attempt to right every international wrong.

Too many of the United States citizens are suffering, though its leader has not doused them with poison.  Rather, they suffer a slow, agonizing degeneration due to neglect and indifference.

Mr. President, if you can look into the camera and proclaim to this nation that the plight of the Syrians is more urgent and heartbreaking than the daily tragedies that occur within our own borders, by all means, fire away.