Uncategorized Sully 86 views

Stream of consciousness

I’m stressed but do not know the root of the issue. Perhaps it’s the fact that I have graduated from law school, though, 3 years later, I’m still living in the same box as I did when I began school. Perhaps it’s the fact that I’m 36 and still very single. I don’t think that is the reason.

I feel stagnant, like I’m stuck in the mud. I consistently attempt to temper my desire to be the best at life by pumping the brakes by reminding myself that I’ve not yet been barred for 3 years; that greatness takes time to achieve. 

The fact that I feel static compounds the fret that “success” is eluding me. I define success as a place of happiness (not satisfaction) concerning work, finances, romance, etc. “Success” morphs as time passes. It is not something to be obtained and held. Rather, it’s a state of mind and a constant pursuit. 

At the moment, I am not in that place. It is probably rather unrealistic to even hope to achieve the feeling of success at this stage of my career and life. I understand that. Thus, it is imperative for me to feel as though I’m working towards achieving bigger and better things. 

I refuse to lay here and whine. I am the master of my own happiness…