Politics Sully 81 views


After a Black Congressman doubted the legitimacy of the president elect’s nomination due to allegations of Russian hacking, Donald Trump tweeted that the legislator should focus on his district and “crime-infested inner cities.”  The narrow mindedness, as well as racist undertones of this tweet, are goddamned appalling. 

In less than one week, Mr. Trump will be inaugurated as President of the United States of America. A “crime-infested inner city” is not only an aspect of the responsibilities of that Representative bc he sought and won the Presidency. Mr. Trump now inherits the issue. Instead of thumbing out daily tweets about Russia, China, or a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, Mr. Trump should vow to work with the critical Congressmen and others to better this country from the inside. 

Brainstorming about solutions to address the problems of inner cities is not a priority for the incoming President. A thoughtful 140 character tweet about criminal justice and minorities does not earn headlines.
Race relations continue as one of our nation’s fundamental problems. We gloss the places where we do not live or visit; where the people have different skin color or income; and with labels like “crime-infested,” “high crime area,” or “inner city.”  

It is easier to dismiss a section of a city as “the ghetto” or “the bad section” than to engage in a constructive discussion about the actual problems and their causes. Talking about race, policing, criminal justice, and quality of life are difficult. The answers are complex. Alas, we think, “That’s not my problem.”

Mr. Trump, somehow, you were elected to be President. Accordingly, the “crime-infested inner city” IS your problem to fix. All the tax reform and walls in the world will not cure this dilemma. Instead, it requires critical thinking and discussion with folks who may not look like and agree with you. In less than one week, you will occupy the same office as Washington, Lincoln, and Roosevelt. Set your phone down and get to work.