Politics Sully 94 views


Dear President Trump,

Congratulations, on Friday, you were sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.  The long campaign season is over. You are the leader of the Free World. Act like it. 

Accordingly, please try not to engage in petty tiffs about crowd numbers at the Inauguration or statuettes in the Oval Office. Whether larger or smaller than that of past presidents, the number of attendees at the Inauguration is wholly inconsequential. It is irrelevant whether a statuette of Dr. Martin Luther King was, or was not, removed from one of the rooms in the White House. Let it go. 

You are President now. Like it or not, you are supposed to be an aspirational and inspirational figure.  It was cute when, during the campaign, you spoke or tweeted in a stream-of-consciousness manner, irrespective of the political correctness or appropriateness of the content. However, off-the-cuff tweets and sarcastic jabs are beneath the Office of the President. You are now President of all Americans, not simply those who thought it would benefit the country to elect a man with no track record in politics. Your base is now every citizen, not simply the minority, who elected you. 

I assume you are learning that presiding over the USA is not similar to running Trump Co. Hopefully, this nation and the international community are not jeopardized as you grapple with this concept. For the sake of the country, I wish and hope for the best. This nation is slowly but steadily becoming a dumpster fire. Instead of extinguishing the flames, I fear that you are dragging a gas can and matches to the scene.