My Accident Sully 167 views

A Dozen Years

It is wild to think back and realize that I nearly died after taking a header off an overpass on this date twelve years ago.

Sometimes, the accident seems like an event in the distant past.  I do not have intense memories about the hospital[s], rehab, living in my parents’ basement, etc.

There are reminders every day of how life has changed: losing vision in my right eye is a rather annoying development; my voice and how I speak is different.

However, life changes for everyone, not simply for those of us who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.  I am not complaining or asserting that I have endured anything of more substance than someone else.  We all face challenges in life.  Mine are simply different than yours.

I am eternally grateful for my life.  I am not sure how it occurred, but I managed to score the most excellent network of family and friends.  Simply stated: I am alive today because you did not give up on me.  If you are reading this, know that words cannot express my appreciation for you.  You are the best.