Politics Sully 86 views

A late-night rant

The Democrats are fucking clowns and will do everything in their power to ensure Donald Trump’s reelection. 

Who was the asshole Rep. that said, “Impeach the motherfucker?” Only an ultra-partisan kook, who does not possess even the faintest idea of the meaning of “compromise,” would make such a toxic statement. The presidency and the Congress are a raging dumpster fire. Instead of this new member lugging in a fire hose, the person drags a gas can to D.C. and flicks matches. 

In other news, service members from the United States have been fighting and dying in Afghanistan for 18 years. And the government spends billions of dollars each year to continue the work there.  

Osama bin Laden is dead, but America continues to fight the Taliban and al Qaeda. The reason for doing so escapes me. Wait, I know—the United States remains in Afghanistan to prevent another 9/11. Instead of winning hearts as well as minds of the locals and/or attempting to determine why (if there is a reason) for the attack of that day, the U.S. acts as half-ass occupiers, marginally (at best) helping to improve a situation that has been fucked for 50-100+ years.  

It concerns that, if Apple downgrades its outlook from earning $75 billion to a meager $71 billion, the U.S. stock market goes batshit crazy.

I’m most certainly a nitwit when it comes to issues of the markets and global finance. But, it seems problematic that one company, or a handful of companies, has such an impact on the market. 

I hope Mitch McConnell suffers a slow and painful death. 

Where are William Kristol and Speaker Newt(on) Gingrich? Have these conservatives given up on political commentary and assumed a new hobby, such as handicapping the Iditarod? Or, are they hunkered down on K Street awaiting the Special Counsel’s Report or some other bombshell, which fundamentally threatens Mr. Trump’s presidency?