Politics Sully 94 views

A newsworthy weekend

This morning, I heard a story on NPR that a group of citizens held a canned good and fresh produce food bank for federal workers in Maryland. Before giving out the food, the volunteers checked the individuals’ federal identifications. Those who showed up worked at, ex., State, Interior, and the White House. That’s right–people, who live in the wealthiest nation on the planet, and who possess employment WITH THE GOVERNMENT, stood outside in thirty-degree temperatures waiting in line for a donation of fruits, vegetables, and cream of mushroom soup. What the fuck is going on in the United States??

Also this morning, Newt Gingrich was interviewed and predicted, after he blamed “Pelosi and Schumer,” that the shutdown would last until mid-February. When asked about the problem of hundreds of thousands of federal workers not receiving a paycheck until then, Newter responded something to the effect of, “Well, most of the workers are Democrats, and the Senate did the right thing by passing a bill to ensure that all of the workers are paid. So, in the end, no one is losing any money.” In a few sentences, my man reminded everyone that most current and former Senators, Reps., etc. are elitist, ultra-privileged, out-of-touch assholes. I am positive that Mitch McConnell has not lost a wink of sleep because the shutdown is ongoing. Rather, he is certainly more concerned with whether the menu at next week’s gathering of The Federalist Society will again include the roast duck, Mr. McConnell’s favorite. I hope he aspirates on a bone.

This weekend offered some interesting news about the investigation into Pres. Trump’s ties to Vladdy Boy Putin. It is VERY heartening to learn the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducted an inquiry into whether the sitting President is a Russian operative or, at the least, has been compromised and pursues Moscow’s agenda to the detriment of the United States. So, to recap: Donald Trump and his mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging cohorts griped because they claimed (without a scintilla of evidence) that Barack Obama was BORN IN Kenya. I have never heard an allegation that there was concern within the FBI that Mr. Obama was secretly working for the Islamic State. No one ever claimed that the killing of Osama bin Laden was some front so that Barack Obama could grease the skids for one of his associates to man the leadership of al Qaeda.
Yet there is silence from the alt-right kooks in response to the disclosure of the legitimate concern, which was followed through with secretive investigations, about whether Donald Trump’s allegiance is with the U.S. or Russia. That silence could also be because those overall-wearing, jobless clowns need not wake up for work and are still sleeping off the effects of last night’s moonshine.

President Trump also (allegedly) hid/destroyed contemporaneous notes of his meetings with Vladimir Putin. That no other President has acted in such a way is par for the (one of the President’s golf) course. Trump still sits on years of old tax returns. In his defense, the accountant has told Don that the returns may not be released while the IRS is conducting its audit. Fuck immigration and climate change. The House Dems must investigate why in the sam hell the IRS has been auditing Donald Trump for the last half-decade.

I am shocked that President Trump actively concealed records in connection with his meetings with the Russian President. I was similarly flabbergasted to learn that the sun rose in the Eastern Hemisphere this morning.