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The Week in Review

The bipartisan group of Congresspersons selected to find a border security pkg. will be unable to agree on a bill, which Pres. Trump will sign. Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, et al. have shown glimpses that, in certain circumstances, they will oppose the president. But Mr. McConnell doesn’t have the spine to proactively scare up enough votes to overcome a presidential veto. Thus, the president will declare a national emergency, the Dems will sue, and nothing will be accomplished–no “Great Wall,” no new border security, and certainly no comprehensive reform of the country’s broken, antiquated immigration policies. Clink, clink, clink is the sound of the can as it is kicked.

It’s nice that the country’s brave women and men soldiers are beginning to withdraw from Afghanistan and Syria. Unfortunately, the next stop is Venezuela, not Virginia. That warmonger John Bolton may not (yet) be able to push the country into a conflict with Iran. Fortunately, he’ll have the opportunity to scratch his itch for a regime change when he convinces Trump to send in the boots to ensure President Maduro’s removal from office. I have seen this movie before: the United States eyes up a resource, which it seeks to exploit, i.e., oil, and decides to send in the military to expedite a regime change. It all played out VERY well in Iraq.

In his interview with the New York Times, President Trump said that, in December, he asked for General Mattis’s resignation; that the general’s departure from the Cabinet was no surprise. The honorable general should punch Trump in his larynx. Aside from thoughts of violence, the president’s willingness to tell outright lies without blinking is fucking frightening. The man has no conscience. What’s worse are the topics about which he lies. Here, he lied about the circumstances of the departure of a member of his Cabinet that occurred more than one month ago. He has lied about the size of the crowd at his inauguration. He’s a soulless ghoul.

Dear Philadelphia, the goaltender for whom Flyers fans have been wishing since Ron Hextall’s rookie season has arrived. He is 20 years old and is a stud between the pipes. The Flyers will soon be relevant [as relevant as an NHL club can be].

The temperature in Philadelphia has not eclipsed 20 degrees over the past 2+ days, thanks to the polar vortex paying a visit to the northern Midwest and Northeast. I complain about the cold as I bang out this post from my toasty apartment. I am thankful and respect police officers and all those who must work outside during this weather pattern. Y’all are badass.