My Accident Sully 178 views

Fourteen Years

On Sunday morning of Memorial Day Weekend 14 years ago, I was lying in a hospital bed at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP). I was in a coma after sustaining a traumatic brain injury. 

I cannot imagine the emotional trauma that I inflicted upon my parents, my sister, my family, and my friends. I am sorry for how my actions adversely affected you. I am truly appreciative of your years of love and support. 

Initially, as I recovered, I’d set artificial benchmarks and think, “By this date, everything will return to normal.” Year 1 passed. Year 2 passed… Eventually, I realized that there would be no return to my pre-accident life. I am reminded of, and battle, the effects of my accident every day: my gait is permanently affected; I do not know when, if ever, I’ll again run; the stiffness in my left leg and arm sometimes frustrate me; etc.

I am fortunate to be alive. The above-listed annoyances do not overshadow my love of life. I am afforded the opportunities to continue to enjoy life because of my friends’ and family’s love and support. There are far too many of you to name. So, I’ll not attempt to do so. Please know that I have felt your love–at HUP; in my parents’ basement; at the bar when I was hobbling around with a cane–and your impact on my life has been substantial and positive. Thank you. I love you.