Politics Sully 119 views

Hypocrite in Chief

As the United States and Iran roll towards an armed conflict, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton leading the war cry, a few thoughts nag at me:

1. Why are US officials so game for another war? I surmise the hawks seek to keep the nation’s recent battle successes going. This country obviously earned victories in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iran will be the next notch on the USA’s war belt. Wait . . . the country didn’t achieve absolute success in Iraq? Troops are still engaged in Afghanistan??

2. What is the justification for the escalation in tensions? Yes, last week, there were explosions on two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz. The US has blamed Iranian mines for the destruction. The Japanese captain, who was on one of the tankers, says that a projectile, not a mine, caused the damage. There should be a thorough investigation before young men and women are asked to make the ultimate sacrifice. Moreover, the tankers were neither owned nor operated by US companies. Japan is not sending troops to the Middle East to “protect its interests.” What, specifically, is the US interest?

It is the epitome of irony/gall that the Draft Dodger in Chief is perilously close to ordering an invasion of another country. I must interrupt this post—Mr. President, do you need to sit down? You’ve been standing for a while, and those bone spurs must be excruciatingly painful. Furthermore, an invasion of Iran most definitely is not in keeping with Donald Trump’s “America First” mantra. Donny Boy is risking the alienation of his isolationist supporters by going all George W. Bush and starting an unpopular, unjustified war.