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Delicate Flowers

The Delicate Flowers, errrrrrrrrrr, Democrats, are successfully efforting such that Donald J. Trump wins a second term as President. When the Orange Menace wins in 2020, the D’s should not blame “deplorables” and other members of Trump’s base. Rather, the libs must look in the mirror and evaluate the party’s continued strict adherence to ultra-political correctness.

According to the Associated Press, former Vice President and candidate for President Joe Biden said that the Senate “got things done” with “civility” even when the body included segregationists with whom he disagreed. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, and Other Democratic candidates for President jumped at the opportunity to condemn Mr. Biden’s remarks.

Parse the comment at issue. Joe Biden specifically said that he disagreed with the segregationists. He said the Senate “got things done.” Mr. Biden did not say he enjoyed chatting the bigots up over a scotch. He did not say that the Senate was a better place when more racists were in the legislative body.

Joe Biden was the Vice President to THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. If in the past, Mr. Biden had displayed any sense of racist tendencies, or even sympathies towards bigots, Barack Obama’s team would have discovered the issue and prevented Joe Biden’s nomination for VP.

The outrage of the Democratic candidates for President is manufactured and transparent. Joe Biden is leading the polls, so they seize the opportunity to score political points. The candidates do not stop to think, “Is this something I want to hammer the potential nominee on?; Am I placing my own self-interests ahead of those of country and party?”

Meanwhile, and surprisingly, Donald Trump is keeping quiet about the issue. He is allowing the Democrats to eat each other. Nevermind the fact that Donald Trump’s Republican party has cast aside all efforts at political correctness. The dude regularly uses dog whistles and other loaded commentaries to fire up his supporters. The dearth of political correctness did not stop him from defeating the Democratic candidate in 2016.

In 2020, Donald Trump will, again, win the general election. The Democrats will bitch, moan, and cast blame. They will wonder why their nominee, who was so nice and did not say anything at all that bordered on controversial, lost. Maybe then the Delicate Flowers will begin to realize that direct communication “trumps” the fear of offending a potential voter.