Politics Sully 115 views

Come Together, Right Now

The hourly news about COVID-19 is, to put it mildly, unnerving. My anxious feelings are compounded after seeing President Trump’s bumbling press conference last night in which he announced a new travel ban. Awesome! The virus has already infiltrated the U.S., though. So, the ban is … late, a completely ineffective solution, stupid ….

But this post isn’t intended as a gashing of the president, whose solution to every problem seems to be a travel ban, or who, two weeks ago, stood in front of reporters while he wore his stupid red hat and announced that the warmer temperatures would result in the virus’s demise. Yes, this is the Leader of the Free World.

In this time of quarantines and fear, the country needs unity more than ever. We would best endure this pandemic if Americans, including, maybe most importantly, lawmakers in D.C., were unified in finding goals to ensure the virus infects the least number of us.

Unfortunately, neither Donald Trump nor partisan legislators on both sides of the aisle nor the state media that is FOX seek to unify. It’s not in President Trump’s nature, and kooks like Sean Hannity have no incentive or desire to spew anything but divisive rhetoric.

Therefore, it is incumbent upon all of us “average” citizens to rise above petty bickering. It’s time to take a break from blasting out tweets to troll members of the opposing party and demand our elected leaders do the same such that we stomp the virus and life normalizes. Then, we’ll return to the name-calling, finger-pointing, and vitriol that dominates this society.