Politics Sully 129 views

Coming soon to C-SPAN.

I hope all the measures implemented now, and in the coming days, to diminish coronavirus’s effect produce awesome results. Unfortunately, based on all I have read, I suspect America’s situation will become significantly worse before it improves.

Far too many people will die as a result of COVID-19. In the aftermath, if the past is any prologue, the investigations associated with impeachment were tranquil compared to those in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Already, there are many questions: Why did the President shutter the NSC pandemic office?; Why did the President not act in February to ensure that the U.S. would be prepared to test millions of people if an outbreak developed?; Who authorized/directed the talking points concerning the false narrative of containment?; Why did it take so long for the President to declare a National Emergency?

I envision that both parties will clamor for this investigation. (Yeah, right.) Thus, Speaker Pelosi will spearhead the House’s investigation. Senator Lindsey Graham, a.ka., Mr. Benghazi Investigation himself, will support and promote a comprehensive inquiry. I won’t hold my breath for such bipartisanship from the Gentleman from South Carolina, though.

Admittedly, I don’t support, and genuinely dislike, the current president. Nonetheless, I pray that he changes his tone and acts as if this pandemic is a national health crisis. Because I am spleenless, I am immuno-compromised and more susceptible to contracting COVID-19. For the sake of my own health as well as that of millions of other Americans, let’s hope this rant was misguided.