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[That first glimpse] spells relief.

Dating in 2020 is a challenge. That pesky pandemic the “fake news” keeps talking about has drastically curtailed the options to meet a potential date. Bars and coffee shops, if not closed already, should be shuttered for the near future. In the grocery store or the gym, I am masked up, efforting to complete my business and get the hell out of the confined spaces as quickly as possible. The best of the limited options to meet someone new for a date is online dating (cue the horror music).

Online dating has many pitfalls. Enduring consistent “intro” questions about one’s family, last relationship, favorite food, and what they like to do for fun causes many to want to throw themselves down a flight of steps. Spotting and dodging bots, spammers, and wannabe Instagram heroes is a skill that should be taught at your local high school. The list of drawbacks goes on, but let’s not dwell.

At some point, someone separates themselves. The banter has been atypically witty. The person is seemingly in a stable mental and emotional place. So, y’all schedule a date. HOWEVER, oftentimes, one question remains: Are the person’s profile pictures an accurate representation? Stories abound about experiences with men and women whose pictures were distortions.

On the night of the date, as pairs of eyes meet, there are many emotions. One welcome feeling is that of relief. Indeed, we both resemble our dating profile pictures. Now, since THAT is out of the way, we can discuss such banal topics as our favorite movies and where we went to college . . . .

NOTE: Looks are not the be-all, end-all of a romantic connection. To me, a bangin’ personality and mind are as important as physical appearance, though I am not conveying a holier-than-thou attitude. If someone’s interest is primarily based on their date’s looks, that’s fine. To each her own.