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Experimenting with Flexibility

In the past, I’ve been too rigid in too many aspects of my life. I have placed artificial time constraints that shackled me to a schedule in my head. And if I did not follow that faux timetable, the ensuing funk fouled up my day.

Recently, I’m trying to be flexible. Although I still wake up to an alarm in the 5 o’clock hour, I do not hurry the morning meditation so I can get to the gym, so I can scarf a smoothie & breakfast, so that I can get to the office by an arbitrary time. I’ve noticed that I am more relaxed and present.

LESSON: Often, the time constraints in my life are self-imposed. My mind spins with ideas about what I’m supposed to be doing and when I’m supposed to be doing it. Those thoughts, however, based on years of programming, have become defaults. I must challenge them to evaluate whether they serve me or whether I am the servant.