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This post is not about God/Allah/Buddha/etc.

“Want to make God laugh? Tell them your plans.”

I read that quote recently. The Higher Power was surely laughing yesterday as I acted like a brat for much of the day.

Sunday, February 10, was going to be awesome. I planned to wake up early and bang out some work due on Monday before I hit the gym and then settled in to watch the Eagles dismantle the Chiefs. Best laid plans…

The power in my apartment went out at 4:30 am. My orneriness fueled by my entitlement increased with every passing hour. My girlfriend is a saint for not punching me in the teeth. Fortunately, the electrical workers repaired the problem at about 5:45 pm. My lady and I watched the Birds blow out the Chiefs in our cozy apartment while the cats snoozed as the heater churned.

I am disappointed by my failure to meet adversity with any semblance of poise or grace. But I will not dwell on yesterday’s behavior. It is a new day, an opportunity for me to act like I realize how lucky I am to be alive.

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