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“Look at me!” moment goes awry.

Well, the race to see who can be first to post on Facebook about the death of Joe Paterno blew up in everyone’s collective face. The reports of his death are, seemingly, premature.

I went to Penn State. Go State. Rah Rah… Why is it that people feel compelled to broadcast to the world their “heartfelt sympathies” when Paterno passes away?  The dude was a college football coach, right?  He didn’t cure cancer or solve world hunger.  Moreover, he absolutely was complicit in the rape of young boys by one of his friends/associates.

I am not saying that he is a bad guy and shouldn’t be mourned by friends and family. I am saying that if you post some profound thought about a former college football coach, someone, whom you’ve never met, take a step back and contemplate the absurdity of the scene.

It’s time we all re-evaluate who and what we revere in this country.