Politics Sully 97 views

The Rush Limbaugh Fiasco and the Decline of the GOP

Dudes like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly are murdering the GOP brand.  Granted, these two yahoos are difficult to stomach, even when they are not in the headlines for their partisan, vitriolic commentary.  However, things are different right now.  The right is splintered between the evangelical social conservatives and moderates, who just are not stoked on big government.

It’s one thing to be conservative; it’s a different scene to be sexist (Santorum, Rush), racist (Santorum), and elitist (Romney, Newt).  So, the GOP nominee is not a viable candidate for President, and the party’s loudest supporters are dumping gasoline onto the fire.

I believe that there could be a legitimate, fundamental debate about mandating insurance companies to provide contraception. However, that argument will never be vetted because of the disinformation and demagoguery that is utilized. It is shameful that these talking heads are not confident in the basic tenets of their argument. Instead, they must spread lies about, and attempt to smear, the other side.

I do not understand why this country’s citizens cannot have an honest disagreement and debate without resorting to low-life tactics to “win” the argument. We’ve lost interest in reaching solutions. Now, it’s about dragging the other guy down.