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It has been a long, difficult summer for me in the realm of sport.  The baseball team is a freaking joke.  I could vent my frustration, filling pages, but I’ll not bore you so.  

On Thursday, I learned that Penn State, a place I’d glossed as “Disneyworld,” had a very dark side.  It was certainly disappointing to realize that Joe Paterno was, at worst, a despicable individual, who was more concerned with his football program’s, and his pederast buddy’s, reps., than with protecting innocent kids, as they were being subjected to sexual assaults.  At best, Joe Paterno is a coward, who made his best ostrich impression after receiving news of Sandusky’s molestations.  Either way, Paterno’s legacy is forever and deservedly dinged.

Joseph V. Paterno is not, by any means, the only person to blame for this travesty.  However, he was the face of the football program and, in essence, of the University. He was merely a football coach, but those associated with Staaaaaaate, and even those, who are not, held Paterno up to an almost-saintly status.  He was not a saint.  In fact, if all of the allegations are true, and he did know a lot more about Sandusky’s actions than Paterno acknowledged, he may deserve a spot in hell along with his buddy Sandusky, not one in heaven with the true saints.