Politics Sully 103 views

Cliff Diving

I type this as I give my hands a brief respite from hanging onto my desk for dear life as our nation marches towards the fiscal cliff and all of the problems that accompany it.

If this fiasco does not compel a call for one-term-limits, nothing will.  It is painfully obvious that most of the kooks in the District care about one thing only: their chances at re-election.  Doing what is best for the country takes a backseat to political aspirations.  So, taxes on everyone will increase.  Draconian cuts in military spending will go into effect.  Gladly, Rep. Goober from Kentucky need not worry that Grover Norquist and the ‘bags at Americans for Tax Reform will primary the freshman Congressman.

I don’t earn enough money for the tax hike to truly matter.  The argument for increased revenue vs. decreased spending is left for another time.  However, it is laughable and pathetic that a compromise was not achieved weeks or months ago.  The Chinese, the Japanese, and every other country with whom the U.S. competes are laughing.  Our government is broken.  Washington, Lincoln, FDR, and the other great Presidents are spinning in their graves over what the United States has become.