Politics Sully 98 views


The latest crisis [allegedly] in Washington is called the sequester.  I am not interested in assigning blame for the measure.  The majority of Democrats and Republicans are less concerned with the good of the country and, instead, focus on sustaining their own careers as politicians.

Such is the state of the political system in the U.S.  The conversation about how to fix the state of affairs will be left for another day.

Concerning the sequester – the President’s promise of Hope and Change has transformed into the reality of the Obama Administration’s strategy of Scare and Blame.  It’s pathetic.  Our government reaches a new cliff-like situation with each month, and, instead of making difficult, unpleasant choices and attempting to solve the problems, a proverbial band-aid is applied.  Temporary fixes are enacted, but the vicious cycle continues.

In this way, the focus is never centered on implementing policy to resolve the issue.  For example, the fiscal cliff debacle consumed more than two months of debate.  Yes, the cliff was averted [for now], but the circus will come back to town in August when the temporary fixes expire.  The “We’ll deal with it later” attitude is pervasive.

Remember, just one month ago, the possibility of gun control legislation [and speeches by the kook, who heads the NRA] dominated the headlines.  That debate has truly subsided.  The list of topics that were once critical is disappointingly long: immigration, “Obamacare,” closing tax loopholes…

Now that sequestration is in effect, the debate will subside for a month or two.  Then, if/when the effects of the budget cuts are palpable, the parties will hurriedly enact legislation to [at least temporarily] end the pain.

Meanwhile, the President’s legacy is being forged.  Will history remember Obama?  If the dude was not the first black president [and that is a lofty accomplishment unto itself], would he be any more relevant than Presidents Cleveland or Taft?  Obama enacted healthcare reform, which was truly partisan and marginally popular.  What else has he done?  Is the United States of America better for having elected him President twice?