Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it. Nor do they go about their business feeling dewy and thrilled. They do not type a few stiff warm-up sentences and then find themselves bounding along like […]
Category: Uncategorized
“ I don’t know how to . . .” is bullshit. My business partner and I had several conversations today about how we can grow Sullivan|Simon into the legal ghostwriting force it can become. We brainstormed about marketing, access to […]
Do you know which of the fifty states borders New Jersey to the west? I have ridden the Port Authority Transit Corporation (PATCO) Speedline train to and fro’ work since January 2000. The above-pictured map is located at each door […]
“Comparison is the thief of joy”. – Theodore Roosevelt I strolled behind an individual walking a dog on Market Street today. They (the person, not the canine) were overweight. I thought, “I’m fortunate not to struggle with my weight.” And […]
Sniff, sniff. Do you smell that? Is it me? Wait, is it you? After lifting, I went to the second floor of the gym to bang out a treadmill session. The digital clock on the wall read 4:34, and I […]
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. Rumi Every day, I tell my girlfriend I love her. She is an incredible woman whom I am blessed to […]
I am blind in one eye, but I do not rock an eye patch. And though I wish I had two functioning peepers, I do not forget how fortunate I am. A brain bleed in 2005 damaged some of my […]
“I don’t read the news anymore.” “So, you’re oblivious as to what I’m talking about? Have you been living under a rock?” “Yes.” I was at my sister’s house yesterday, celebrating my niece’s ninth birthday, and sipping gulping red wine […]
Because the traffic jams and crowded aisles and long checkout lines give me time to think, and if I don’t make a conscious decision about how to think and what to pay attention to, I’m going to be pissed and […]
A man is not doing much until the cause he works for posseses all there is of him. John Wanamaker At most points during the past five years, Mr. Wanamaker would have said to me, “You are not doing much, […]