Uncategorized Sully 160 views

Local news: PLEASE stop interviewing members of the general public.

I recognize local news is important. Nonetheless, I am losing the ability to tolerate the broadcasts — radio or tv. Stories that include interviews with Joe Six-Pack or Karen are excruciatingly painful.

This morning, I listened to a local citizen pontificate on why they were furious their local church is not yet open to the public. Nevermind the fact that the United States of America, including this person’s state, is in the midst of a global pandemic in which a highly communicable disease has killed more than 170,000 Americans. “God is my be-all and end-all. . . . I want to go to Church.” Well, there you have it. From that person’s mouth to God’s ears.

Don’t blame the citizen who espoused the beliefs. Here in the Red, White, and Blue, one is free to speak ignorant, close-minded thoughts. The culprit is the station’s producer or another person, who directed a reporter to interview the enlightened citizenry. PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS.

I do not tune in to local news such that I might learn about my neighbor’s opinions on politics, the weather, sports, or anything else. That’s the purpose of vitriolic hangouts such as talk radio, Twitter, and internet message boards.