Category: Uncategorized

Uncategorized Sully 115 views

Gym rant

GeriatricsI understand that y’all have been roaming this planet for decades longer than have I.  That fact does not give my senior friends a right to monopolize 6 different areas of the gym and shoot me a stink eye when […]

Uncategorized Sully 117 views


I turned 35 years old on Wednesday. It feels pretty much the same as 34 and 33. It has dawned on me- I am probably at the midpoint of my life. That thought is somewhat heavy but does not scare […]

Uncategorized Sully 132 views


It has been a long, difficult summer for me in the realm of sport.  The baseball team is a freaking joke.  I could vent my frustration, filling pages, but I’ll not bore you so.   On Thursday, I learned that […]

Uncategorized Sully 119 views


-Why in the sam hell has there been stories across news outlets on the demise of the Titanic?  The ship went down long ago.  How is it still relevant?  Who freaking cares? -I am continually bewildered that the spread of […]