My Accident Sully 137 views

I remember.

On Memorial Day Weekend ten years ago, my life changed forever. I am a better person for what I experienced. I’ll never be able to truly express my gratitude and appreciation to my family and friends for the role you […]

Uncategorized Sully 84 views

Look again.

It is Saturday night, and I am sitting at my computer as I think about the opening statement for my first jury trial, which is scheduled for Wednesday.  The case is not particularly momentous [though it is to the client]. […]

Uncategorized Sully 84 views


All across the country, locally and nationally elected lawmakers, as well as courts, continue to grapple with the issue of the legality of gay marriage.  I’ve thought about this situation, and I arrive at one question  – What the hell […]

Uncategorized Sully 87 views

Gym rant

GeriatricsI understand that y’all have been roaming this planet for decades longer than have I.  That fact does not give my senior friends a right to monopolize 6 different areas of the gym and shoot me a stink eye when […]

Law Sully 117 views

Same Game, Different Unis

I compose this entry in response to some posts on Facebook or comments about criminal defense attorneys and the clients we represent. I understand that many folks do not understand why anyone would choose to work as a criminal defense […]