Politics Sully 99 views


Last week, 60 Minutes reported that the United States spends more than $300 million per day in Afghanistan.  Wait … what?  What in the sam freaking hell are we doing there?  U.S. troops have been in that hellhole for 10 freaking years.  Vietnam thinks […]

Uncategorized Sully 109 views

The Penn St. Debacle

The myopia of students, alums, and fans of Penn State is appalling.  Joe Paterno’s own complacency dinged his legacy.  He must be accountable for his inaction, which, while it may not be legally culpable, is morally reprehensible.  Thus, he must […]

Politics Sully 121 views


I’ll preface this post by stating that I am a registered Republican with center-right views. The Republican party used to nominate for president the candidate, who was “next-in-line.”  John McCain held that position.  However, in selecting Sarah Palin, an extremely […]

My Accident Sully 158 views


On Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend 2005, I nearly died.  I am incredibly lucky to have survived and recovered to my current state.  I have done so based on the unending love and support I have received from family & […]

Uncategorized Sully 113 views


This message is directed at those, who text or talk on their phone, while walking in the middle of a city sidewalk.  I understand that you are the most important person in the world, and that msg./call likely involves a […]