My Accident Sully 208 views

Fourteen Years

On Sunday morning of Memorial Day Weekend 14 years ago, I was lying in a hospital bed at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP). I was in a coma after sustaining a traumatic brain injury.  I cannot imagine […]

Politics Sully 130 views

A newsworthy weekend

This morning, I heard a story on NPR that a group of citizens held a canned good and fresh produce food bank for federal workers in Maryland. Before giving out the food, the volunteers checked the individuals’ federal identifications. Those […]

Politics Sully 113 views

A late-night rant

The Democrats are fucking clowns and will do everything in their power to ensure Donald Trump’s reelection.  Who was the asshole Rep. that said, “Impeach the motherfucker?” Only an ultra-partisan kook, who does not possess even the faintest idea of […]