Category: Politics

Politics Sully 129 views

A newsworthy weekend

This morning, I heard a story on NPR that a group of citizens held a canned good and fresh produce food bank for federal workers in Maryland. Before giving out the food, the volunteers checked the individuals’ federal identifications. Those […]

Politics Sully 112 views

A late-night rant

The Democrats are fucking clowns and will do everything in their power to ensure Donald Trump’s reelection.  Who was the asshole Rep. that said, “Impeach the motherfucker?” Only an ultra-partisan kook, who does not possess even the faintest idea of […]

Law Politics Sully 182 views

Judge Brett Kavanaugh

I think I’ve heard President Trump refer to the nominee for the Supreme Court as “Brent.” Anyway… The hearing, which included Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser as well as the judge himself, was riveting. Ms. Ford’s testimony was credible and emotional. The […]

Politics Sully 120 views


Dear President Trump, Congratulations, on Friday, you were sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America.  The long campaign season is over. You are the leader of the Free World. Act like it.  Accordingly, please try […]

Politics Sully 100 views


After a Black Congressman doubted the legitimacy of the president elect’s nomination due to allegations of Russian hacking, Donald Trump tweeted that the legislator should focus on his district and “crime-infested inner cities.”  The narrow mindedness, as well as racist […]

Politics Sully 113 views

Are you kidding me?!

It seems that, as the years pass, the politics of presidential elections becomes more sensational and utterly embarrassing. I am a registered Republican.  The candidates battling to earn the nod as the GOP’s candidate for president are hopelessly flawed.  It […]